Perspective and Healing

Posted By: Third Coast Chiropractic

Perspective and Healing

Perspective is a key factor in the healing process.

It would be amazing if healing happened in a linear manner, however, ups and downs are inevitable. Your mindset matters because it directly affects your physical health.

Our mind-body connection is so much more powerful than we realize. Our thoughts influence our emotions and how we experience the world around us. Even when we imagine future situations or visualize potential outcomes, our bodies physically respond to our thoughts.

Think for a moment of how you react when someone cuts you off in traffic and nearly causes an accident. The incident may only last a moment, and, in that instant, your body immediately prepares for the potential outcome, triggering a surge of adrenaline, which is the body’s hormonal response to a fight or flight situation. Though this sort of physical reaction isn’t limited to a release of adrenaline. Our thoughts can trigger our bodies to experience all types of physiological responses from changes in heart rate and blood pressure to chemical alterations in the brain. These changes can be harmless, or, over time, they can be detrimental to your health.

Change your thoughts, Change your life.

-Les Brown

Here are some empowering statements to help you shift your perspective:

-Your body is reacting perfectly to preceding events. Oftentimes what feels “broken”, is just a perfect response to protect, stabilize, or simply a way to let us know our body needs some support.

-Within every situation is a gift. Is there a lesson you can learn from your experience?

-Life is happening for you, not to you. Compression happens before expansion, so even when things get difficult your brain and body are getting ready to expand into a greater version of you.

-Prayer changes things. Prayer and meditation help you transform physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

What are your favorite ways to empower your healing process?

How can chiropractic help?

When we experience stress in life it can have an impact on our immune system. Long-term stress can especially have negative impacts on our overall health. Chiropractic helps you and your body to adapt to the stressors in life in a healthy way. Gentle adjustments help to take the stress off of your nervous system which allows you to exit the fight or flight cycle.
If you are interested in learning more about how our thoughts, both good and bad, can affect your health, please reach out and we’d be happy to answer any questions.

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