Peripheral Neuropathy

Posted By: Third Coast Chiropractic

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Put simply peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage to our peripheral nervous system that can be caused by several conditions such as; autoimmune diseases, diabetes, infections, tumors, and a hand full of other issues. Symptoms can often include decrease (sometimes increase) sensation in touch, temperature, and pain from the skin. Regardless of the reasons you have it or the symptoms you experience, here are a few tips and tricks you can try to help you!

Tips & Tricks to help with Peripheral Neuropathy:

Vitamin B12:

The B12 vitamin can help reduce pain associated with neuropathy. In some cases in can even help repair the myelin sheaths, depending on the cause of neuropathy. Utilizing B12 along with other treatments can give you the ability to help further reduce symptoms. If you are looking for more guidance on B12 we recommend talking to your primary care doctor and ask about getting a blood test. This can help you to identify the need for the quantity of B12 that you need to help.

Lifestyle Changes:

If you have developed diabetes, discussing lifestyle changes in diet can help with issues around peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy can occur in patients that develop diabetes mellitus. This is due to high blood sugar levels damaging the blood vessels that supply the nerves in your body. The destruction of these blood vessels is what leads to the destruction of the nerves that causes the pain, burning, or tingling in our extremities. In these situations discussing lifestyle changes around diet with your doctor or nutritionist can go a very long way with preventing further destruction and bigger issues down the road.


Corticosteroids are a anti-inflammatory medication that can help those struggling with autoimmune disorders. Sometimes our immune system can attack our nervous system causing issues such as peripheral nervous system. Corticosteroids are something that should be discussed with your primary care doctor and see if they could be a benefit for your peripheral neuropathy. Be aware that long term use of corticosteroids can lead to issues such as osteoporosis, adrenal insufficiency, gastrointestinal issues, and much much more. So we don’t want this to be your first option but can be great place to start to help get things under control.

Chiropractic Care:

Not a very commonly used treatment to help with peripheral neuropathy but chiropractic care can help with issues surrounding the nervous system. Especially when seeking out chiropractic care that focuses on neurologically based chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is able to help by improving the over all nervous system and allowing the body to communicate better. This in turn allows the nerves to not over react leading to the discomfort due to their inability to communicate back to the brain. While like most treatments for peripheral neuropathy, its not 100% effective but often helps the body improve enough to make a noticeable difference in how the client feels.

Conclusion For Peripheral Nervous System Treatments:

Peripheral Neuropathy is a complex issues that sometimes requires multiple solutions given the cause of the issues. These listed treatments can be effective for some and for other not so much. We recommend that you always start out with communicating with your primary and any other health care provides you are working with for the best results.


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