Improving Posture In The Workplace

Posted By: Third Coast Chiropractic

Why is posture so important?

Improving posture in the workplace is important for preventing all sorts of back pain, mobility issues, and muscle tension. When you spend all day at a computer your shoulders, neck, and back begin rounding forward. It is this rounding forward that begins putting stress on the rest of the body. Stress on these areas can show as headaches and migraines, stiffness, and brain fog. Without proper posture, the normally functioning systems of the body begin to suffer. These five tips will improve posture in and out of the workplace, improving your quality life.

Improving Posture In The Workplace

Five Tips For Improving Your Posture In The Workplace:

Adjusting Your Chair & Desk For Proper Posture:

1. Proper positioning can take stress off your body while working. Start off by setting your chair at a proper height, so that your feet are flat on the ground. Your hips want to be level with or higher than your knees when seated. These are important for proper chair ergonomics to improve your posture. Your computer monitor should be eye level so your neck isn’t bending forward. Your keyboard should be at a distance that does not put weight on your wrist when typing. Lastly, your elbows should be 90 degrees and easily relaxed.

Sitting Up Straight:

2. While this may sound straightforward, your ability to sit correctly can be hindered by the ergonomics of your chair, desk, keyboard, or mouse. Ensuring proper ergonomics can help improve your posture in the workplace. Focus on keeping your back straight, shoulders back, and head level to engage your core. Placing a lumbar pillow behind you can also increase awareness of your posture. The lumbar pillow will help you correct your posture if you begin to slouch or slide down in your chair.

Taking Regular Breaks To Relieve Stress On Your Posture:

3. Throughout the day setting reminders to stretch and move is an important aspect of improving your posture in the workplace. Setting an alarm for every 30-45 minutes to stand and stretch can help reset your posture. This can also be good to help you regain focus on the task at hand. Consider talking to a certified professional for personalized stretches that can further improve your posture.

Using Ergonomic Equipment To Improve Posture:

4. Utilizing proper keyboards, mouse, or chair, is an effective way to reduce strain on your body. Using the proper equipment can help improve your overall posture in the workplace. A standing desk can also be a good option, but should be introduced gradually. Especially if you are not used to standing all day or are not already active outside of work. Jumping into a standing desk to quickly can cause you to lean or slouch forward. No matter how great the ergonomics of your standing desk or other equipment are, it still requires proper muscle control.

Incorporating Postural Based Exercises:

Working to strengthen your core, back, and neck will improve your posture. You can simply do this in your normal workouts, or by consulting a professional for help. Yoga, Pilates, and weight training are excellent options as well when just beginning. We recommend you consult with a professional if you’ve never done these activities. The last thing we want is causing more strain or injuries to the body by doing things improperly. If you need professional help in analyzing this we recommend True Balance Life.

If you are in need of more help to make sure you are improving your posture in the workplace as best as you can, then contact us for more help. We are always happy to make sure you are living your best life by incorporating these simple changes

Improving Posture In The Workplace

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